Monday 23 December 2013

Edible art

Some more pictures from the pop up event

Crab Cupcake


Incy Wincy spider climbing up the spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Something eerie

For all those who like wacky and weird - Truly Gruesome and delicious!

Vikroli Skin - pop event organized by the Godrej India Culture Lab

Organized by the The Godrej India Culture Lab, Vikroli Skin was an interesting pop up event held on the 14th of Dec’ 13, Saturday. Various artists collaborated and presented their art.
Here are some pictures from this pop event where I showcased my art along with other artists.